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Education during the Pandemic

What are the main challenges you experienced with online teaching?

The challenges of online teaching I have encountered are power outages, internet crashes, and noise at home.  Sometimes, the computer has a problem, the phone runs out of battery, and I can’t take pictures to send activities for students in Tele-gram.  Sometimes, du-ring conversations, students do not listen well. All this makes students lose interest in learning.

Loch Sotheany Physics and Chemistry Teacher

Janice Soliba Grade 1 English Teacher

Miss Janice teaching Grade 1 students via Zoom Meeting

Online teaching has been very challenging compared to face-to-face learning. Some-times it exhausts and frustrates me when I want to do activities but it cannot be done and when some parents in-volve themselves too much by providing too much help and support (spoon-feed), not letting

their child tries their best. But the most difficult part for me is how to make my class lively to attract my students’ attention and encourage participation. It takes longer and requires lots of preparation and research. Preparation of materials such as PowerPoint slides, pictures, and videos are

Needed to help the students properly grasp the lessons. Communication is also a challenge, especially for students and parents who are not that fluent in the English language.


Channy Vong Earth Science Teacher

Grade 9 students taking their virtual monthly test.

– Power outages that cause students to have no internet access.

– Students have the opportunity to copy documents when asking questions.

– Students play games or listen to music while studying.

– Students copy each other’s answers when asking questions.

– Students do not turn on the camera during class, saying that the Internet is slow.

– Students do not feel focused while studying.

What helped you to persevere and overcome those challenges?

What helped me overcome these obstacles is the love I have for the students, they are an important human resource for society and the world. I try to give them the right and quality knowledge and educate them to be honest, patient, brave and Responsible.

                                                                      – Loch Sotheany

Teacher Ngorn Savdey teaching grade 5 via zoom.

What motivates me to continue teaching is my eagerness to share what God has given me, which is love and knowledge. I keep reminding myself to give my best shot because this is the only legacy that I can leave that no one can take away from them. Besides, every time my students show gradual improvement gives me the strength to persevere more. I feel empowered and grateful that despite these limited interactions, my students are still improving.

                                                                         – Janice Soliba

Sreng Samit, History Teacher

In just few short weeks, the coronavirus pan-demic had a profound impact on every aspect of life, not least educa-tion. People were affect-ted by the closure of schools, volunteers joined health care wor-kers, and many others on the front line of the fight against the virus. We had to figure out what a post-lockdown world would look like and the only thing that felt certain was that we were facing a long period of disruption to formal education. We had to find new ways to combine online learning and classroom teaching, mento-ring, and non-formal learning ex-periences, to en-sure that all young people, whatever their backgrounds, were able to thrive and fulfil their potential.

Ms. Marilou Cabigkis English Teacher

COVID has changed how we work. Schools were closed, classes have been cancelled, and many people have been scheduled to work from home. Changes were so drastic. We needed to focus on improving our mental health during the pandemic, by changing our outlook on life. In my view, this has taught me to be more efficient and effective not only in the areas where I’m comfortable. I have learned a lot and appreciated the hardship I ’ve been facing. It pushed me in a positive way for me to be more productive and strive to equip my-self to be a better individual and instrument to motivate and impart knowledge, especially to my dear students and to every person I encounter every day.

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